Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Just a short note... another review coming up.

yup, the title says it. i will be doing another review soon on SCANDAL.

basically, i will be doing this in every wed of December and the main focus is on SCANDAL's production in 2010. from the release of Shunkan Sentimental to release of Secret Base as their 1st cover ballad song to Namida no Regret, which is their 1st official Ballad Song, to R-Girl's Rock, their cover album.

others also include like their uniforms, what else happens at S'pore (like any more videos that involves them), some information on their own tours in Japan, their involvement in Loups=garous, TEMPTATION BOOK release.

finally, i will end my review with some expectations i wanted in 2011 (not really that demanding, i swear!)

so yup, i will be covering their 5th single "Shunkan Sentimental" within 24 hours time. so stay tuned. Ja ne~

oh, 2 more things, i would like to see comments on reviews i talk about, as i want to interact with other SCANDAL fans outside, seeing how their feelings were like.

any note is that, SCANDAL will be releasing 9th single on February and DVD on March. i may give preview, if i really know what's going on. haha.

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