Here's the story:
I was out earlier to buy my godson-to-be a christening gift. Since I already figured out weeks before on what I am going to get him, I had an extra half hour to roam around the city centre.
I popped-in in this nerby music shop to check what's new. I saw a few new basses that wasn't on display the last time I was there.
I asked the one of the dudes if I can try the bass that caught my eye; a black 4-stringed Schecter with a maple fingerboard. (I don't even know the model name) Anyways, yah, I asked the dude, he got me some cheap ass guitar cable and pointed me to the amp I can use and that was it.
I know right? But that's not the worst, when I was finally playing the baby, he came back and asked me if I could turn the amp down because it's too loud. WTF?? I guitarist was shredding on full stack Marshall 10 metres away from me and God knows on what volume. I can't even hear myself think when he starts shredding. And I'm playing on a 250W amp with the volume turned up only to 5? I mean, SERIOUSLY???
The moment he turned he's back on me I turned the amp to almost full volume and played one bar of slapping and then left the shop.
Honestly, I was really crossed at that guy. Maybe he's one of those guitarists we call "Guitards".
Anywho, ranting aside, it has been a year or so and 3 YouTube channels since I started recording and uploading covers on internet. It strucked me that I haven't covered even one OPM song yet. Well, I decided to that 2 days ago. And here it is...
It's kind of fail though, I was just bored the time I recorded that and I was off the rythm around the interlude part.
And for Neon my friend, I have something for you.

(This is not the shop I was just talking about by the way, this is my fave shop ever)
I just thought of sharing this since you also play bass. This was taken when I bought my StingRay Yuki(Yes, I named my bass /shy). It's the StingRay by the way. And she's on that photo! *Points at the corner, near the head of the long-haired bloke and right side of that golden/yellow Stingray* XD
Anyways, that's all from me this time. Sorry for the rant blog post.
damn. and that's why I only do test runs on times where I am the ONLY customer. XD happens all the time though. especially if the other guy is a loyal patron or someone partly known. happened to me before when Ocho of Queso/Franco (I didn't know who that person is at that time) was in the same store. Don't worry, we'll get signed one day and get our share of scaring the crap out of store patrons. LOL
ReplyDeleteI miss P.O.T. I used to watch them at 70's bistro way back high school. I like your cover. clean and awshum. although you could put some more energy playing funk. it drives the groove. :)
I also name all my axes. LOL Can't see your babe in that picture. although those two rickenbabies at the far end got me droolin'